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Hey guys first time posting on this site Just booked my ticket for July 2nd.


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Hey guys my name is Aj, this is my first time posting but I've been a member of this site since May 2022 I just wanted to know from you guys what I need to prepare for  being at Zona norte, I'm booked at Hotel Valario for 9 days.

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Make sure to bless us with a TR......Have fun, don't over think it.....Good luck.

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3 hours ago, AJ1990 said:

Hey guys my name is Aj, this is my first time posting but I've been a member of this site since May 2022 I just wanted to know from you guys what I need to prepare for  being at Zona norte, I'm booked at Hotel Valario for 9 days.

Thanks for breaking your lurker cherry! :Monkey22:

9 days at Velario?  I'd consider mixing it up a bit and look at getting the Tropical VIP card or HK VIP to get a discount on Mon/Tues rooms.

Tell us a little more about what you think you'd like to do and I'm sure someone can give you pointers.

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24 minutes ago, Reuben said:

Thanks for breaking your lurker cherry! :Monkey22:

9 days at Velario?  I'd consider mixing it up a bit and look at getting the Tropical VIP card or HK VIP to get a discount on Mon/Tues rooms.

Tell us a little more about what you think you'd like to do and I'm sure someone can give you pointers.

Well this will be my first time flying in to San Diego I was initially booked to go to Miami but decided to switch to San Diego, im doing a mixture of things.  little rosarito, litte street girls, and maybe mexico lindo bar or cummin tj for some gfe, I might do Hong Kong but from what I've read they hit you for drinks, I only got 2000 to spend so... how much should I budget for activities? 🤔 

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@AJ1990, welcome to Posting.  Leave “Lurking” in the Rearview.   First time to La Zona, Take your time, Observe & Pay Attention, Use Common Sense.   EnJoY


$2,000 divided by 9 Days works out to about $222 a day, loosely speaking.   Just be careful.  $2,000 can go rather quickly.  Stretching it out over nine days, could be a Challenge, if one is not VeRy CaReFuL.   IMHO

Hong Kong can be a good start & a good introduction, but it can also easily devour your $$$💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸

Edited by smoothburnn
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Welcome! Do not be afraid to ask any specific questions. We have a great group of people that can answer the questions you may have. Does your budget include the hotel? or is the hotel already paid? Also one thing that helps me stay on budget is only carry what I am willing to spend. I usually leave my money well hidden in my luggage back in hotel.

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Valerio is generally a no-go hotel for most established escorts, though there are some on Telegram that might go there.  Its location is good for proximity to the Zona Norte but you won't be able to get chicas to go back to your room or anything simply because it's not an associated hotel with any of the bars or SGs.  Consider a night at Aqua Rio for escorts.  There's a thread here about that hotel and others.

You have to go to HK at least once if this is your first trip here.  You don't have to take anyone up or even buy them a drink but you definitely have to see it in person!

Assuming your bankroll doesn't include hotel costs, you can have a good time with your budget.

Do you have a current passport?

Quick stuff:

  • Don't bother with pesos in the ZN clubs unless you are very familiar with exchange rates, Spanish, and the peso coins.
  • Anyone walking up to you and speaking English on the streets is a scammer and you should avoid entirely.  ("barkers" right outside the club door telling you to come in are okay)
  • Download Google Translate for your phone and download the Spanish dictionary for offline use.  (obviously not necessary if you're fluent in Spanish)
  • Download WhatsApp for your phone if you don't already have it.  It's used by most everyone in Mexico, including escort agencies.  It works over WiFi, too.
  • You will pay approximately $37USD at the border for an FMM aka tourist card, but like everything in Mexico, whether or not you have to pay depends on who's working.
  • Border lines to return to the US can be really long waits.  Plan on getting to the border at least four hours prior to your flight to allow enough time to cross and then get to the airport.
  • Don't fuck with drugs in Tijuana - a lot of stuff is laced with fentanyl these days, including coke and meth - not to mention, it's illegal and the cops are always looking for a payday from gringos.
  • Check with your cell phone provider to see if they include Mexico in your coverage - some do but you have to activate it and others just normally include it.
  • No in Spanish is the same as "no" in English.  If you don't want whatever it is, (chica, another drink, roses, etc) just wave your hand and say "no, gracias."
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Everything @Reuben said as well as everything @smoothburnn said.  Deal only in dollars.

Sorry, but $2000 is going to be pretty slim for nine days unless you pretty much only do SGs.  BGs are ~$100/30 minutes.  Escorts are ~$100+/hour.  How many pops do you want per day?  Then you have to factor in food, fichas, propinas and so on.  Sorry, but it adds up fast.  What is your plan?

But then, know your plan will change upon first contact......

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4 minutes ago, Reuben said:

Valerio is generally a no-go hotel for most established escorts, though there are some on Telegram that might go there.  Its location is good for proximity to the Zona Norte but you won't be able to get chicas to go back to your room or anything simply because it's not an associated hotel with any of the bars or SGs.  Consider a night at Aqua Rio for escorts.  There's a thread here about that hotel and others.

You have to go to HK at least once if this is your first trip here.  You don't have to take anyone up or even buy them a drink but you definitely have to see it in person!

Assuming your bankroll doesn't include hotel costs, you can have a good time with your budget.

Do you have a current passport?

Quick stuff:

  • Don't bother with pesos in the ZN clubs unless you are very familiar with exchange rates, Spanish, and the peso coins.
  • Anyone walking up to you and speaking English on the streets is a scammer and you should avoid entirely.  ("barkers" right outside the club door telling you to come in are okay)
  • Download Google Translate for your phone and download the Spanish dictionary for offline use.  (obviously not necessary if you're fluent in Spanish)
  • Download WhatsApp for your phone if you don't already have it.  It's used by most everyone in Mexico, including escort agencies.  It works over WiFi, too.
  • You will pay approximately $37USD at the border for an FMM aka tourist card, but like everything in Mexico, whether or not you have to pay depends on who's working.
  • Border lines to return to the US can be really long waits.  Plan on getting to the border at least four hours prior to your flight to allow enough time to cross and then get to the airport.
  • Don't fuck with drugs in Tijuana - a lot of stuff is laced with fentanyl these days, including coke and meth - not to mention, it's illegal and the cops are always looking for a payday from gringos.
  • Check with your cell phone provider to see if they include Mexico in your coverage - some do but you have to activate it and others just normally include it.
  • No in Spanish is the same as "no" in English.  If you don't want whatever it is, (chica, another drink, roses, etc) just wave your hand and say "no, gracias."

Well I picked valario mainly because it was cheap and close to the zona.Aqua rio is a walk, I still have time to chang my mind about booking valario but I won't pay until I get there.  What's the cheapest and closest because cascades was trying to charge almost 800.

Also as far as the street girls, I like chubby chicks do they put out more? Or do they act just like the skinny young ones all stuck up and restrictive?

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6 minutes ago, AJ1990 said:

Well I picked valario mainly because it was cheap and close to the zona.

Velario is in the Zona and owned by Adelitas. Not a good area and no place anybody would like to send their ladies.

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1 hour ago, AJ1990 said:


Also as far as the street girls, I like chubby chicks do they put out more? Or do they act just like the skinny young ones all stuck up and restrictive?

Paging @ZestySpear and @elbrujodelnorte

In general, SGs offer limited service but approaching with a smile and a compliment can go a long way towards warming up the service.

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2 hours ago, Reuben said:

Don't fuck with drugs in Tijuana - a lot of stuff is laced with fentanyl these days, including coke and meth - not to mention, it's illegal and the cops are always looking for a payday from gringos.

That right there is the most important piece of advice!

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I recommend staying instead at BT's hotel the Rizo.  The chicas will all go there and you are at ground zero. No need to hoof it back to Velario.   

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4 hours ago, AJ1990 said:

Also as far as the street girls, I like chubby chicks do they put out more? Or do they act just like the skinny young ones all stuck up and restrictive?

the older, fatter and uglier the chica is, generally the better the menu is to make up for the looks. this is not always true however. If you're paying close attention, you can learn everything you need to know from a chica by just saying hi and seeing how they react.

more important than that is to simply stipulate exactly what you want for exactly how many pesos BEFORE you go upstairs

Edited by elbrujodelnorte
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6 hours ago, Reuben said:

You will pay approximately $37USD at the border for an FMM aka tourist card, but like everything in Mexico, whether or not you have to pay depends on who's working

This bring up another good point. The charges come from if they think you are staying for a vacation. Unless you’re carrying a big suitcase, just say you’re staying for one night and you’ll hopefully be waved through. There is no follow up, no requests to see reservations, none of that. If you tell them you’re staying 9 days, you will have to pay the $37, non negotiable. Theoretically if say 6 days or less you should be able to get in without a payment but they’ll smell fresh meat and charge you anyway. 

As I said, they’re asking to see if they should charge you. They don’t ask for any proof you are staying as long or as short as you say you are. If you can visibly get by by saying just the night (ie only have a book SG or duffel bag), you have a good chance of not paying anything. Otherwise prepare to pay 



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5 hours ago, shawnmj said:

SG or duffel bag

Don't ever attempt to bring a SG in your duffle bag!

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@AJ1990 - @QuietGuy brings up an important point about the area around Velario.  That area is well-known for trannies.  As such, be mindful of any "chica" who comes up close to you on Primera aka Articulo 123 (the name of the street where the main Valerio entrance is).  They are notorious pickpockets and really good at it.

However if you do want to venture into t-girls, we have a subsection here on the board dedicated to them - how to find them, a bit of intel on some of the providers, and other tips 'n tricks to know when dealing with t-girls:


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16 minutes ago, Reuben said:

@AJ1990 - @QuietGuy brings up an important point about the area around Velario.  That area is well-known for trannies.  As such, be mindful of any "chica" who comes up close to you on Primera aka Articulo 123 (the name of the street where the main Valerio entrance is).  They are notorious pickpockets and really good at it.

However if you do want to venture into t-girls, we have a subsection here on the board dedicated to them - how to find them, a bit of intel on some of the providers, and other tips 'n tricks to know when dealing with t-girls:


What's the cheapest hotel you can recommend on the zona besides aqua rio?

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15 minutes ago, AJ1990 said:

What's the cheapest hotel you can recommend on the zona besides aqua rio?

Hotel Paris is a possibility as it looks like the rooms have been recently remodeled but I haven't stayed in them since the remodel.  It's not far from Zona - maybe a ten minute walk down Revolution.  Uber ride will probably run less than $5.  If you book through hotels.com, you can usually score a couple more bucks off the rack rate and you get nights that count for a free night after the 10th night.

@SPARKY may have some current intel.

Avoid Hotel Suiza unless you're a veteran budget traveler in third-world countries.  Hotel Leyva is an option when it's not too hot out, but there is no air conditioning there and you will be here in July.

What's your current rez at Valerio costing?  It may be the same as Rizo if you get the Tropical VIP card for $50, which knocks the price on Mon and Tue down to 70% off (yes, seventy percent off the price), plus you get a free drink every day at the bar.


El Porton in the alley is a possibility but I don't think you can reserve online.

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IMO, the cheapest and modestly decent accommodation in Zona Norte would be the El Porton in the alley and you can view the SGs' from the balcony! I believe rooms run at around $50/night, far cheaper than the rest of the hotels down there.

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Great advice can be found here.  Did my first trip in march from education from amigo's here.  I 2nd the Rizo recommendation if you have the budget and get the vip card you can save quiet a bit but more experience members  can steer you right.    Coupons can also be found.   Take a good tour of SG section and if you just go for sex without multiple positions and bj....can save quiet a bit there.  I wasted too much cash on a threesome at HK on my first trip.  Also forgo any stripper pole or jacquizi....i won't be doing that for the 2nd trip.  Great group here!!

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Based on your itenery, I'm not sure why you would think you have to, or want to, stay in la zona all 9 nights (I know others have said as much but I think its worth repeating). I suggest you check Aqua Rio and Villa Zaragoza on Hotels.com and see which one is cheaper and pay for it for Friday and Saturday night (the most difficult days you need to plan ahead), then as others have suggested do the Rizo de Oro or Cascaidas with VIP on Monday and Tuesday. If they don't have vacancy you could certainly fall back to Velario on a Monday or Tuesday without a reservation (others correct me if I am wrong on that). Then the other days you can play it by ear, depending on your experience/preference between bars or escorts.  You could also reserve Rizo or Cascaidas now for Monday and Tuesday if you want to make sure you can experience that. One more thing to throw out if you happen to be worried about gaining 10# over such a long hedonistic stay. Try Ticuan or Gran hotel one night in the middle to get a gym workout. Also an advantage of staying in Villa Zaragoza or Aqua Rio, assuming not too late, is the nice uphill walk back to the hotel up Revolucion (safe street) to your hotel burns off some of the Tecate Lights you put down in la zona.

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15 hours ago, AJ1990 said:

Well this will be my first time flying in to San Diego I was initially booked to go to Miami but decided to switch to San Diego, im doing a mixture of things.  little rosarito, litte street girls, and maybe mexico lindo bar or cummin tj for some gfe, I might do Hong Kong but from what I've read they hit you for drinks, I only got 2000 to spend so... how much should I budget for activities? 🤔 

Don't rely on the 992 bus from SD airport to America Plaza. I waited an hour the other day before I realized it wasn't coming. It might be better if you have a day arrival. I don't know service hours. Huge bus strike really effing things up for those affected.

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2 hours ago, SPARKY said:

Don't ever attempt to bring a SG in your duffle bag!

I must type SG too much if my phone autocorrected

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