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I'm not a new member as such, but I have been lapsed for a while. So I'm starting again from scratch in terms of intel.

Planning a trip in October from Canada. Instead of crossing on foot, I'm looking at flights to TIJ. I just don't want the aggravation of a Canadian trying to cross the US border daily, especially with whatever COVID/testing regime is in place at that point. 

I look forward to catching up!


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1 hour ago, flagrunner said:


I'm not a new member as such, but I have been lapsed for a while. So I'm starting again from scratch in terms of intel.

Planning a trip in October from Canada. Instead of crossing on foot, I'm looking at flights to TIJ. I just don't want the aggravation of a Canadian trying to cross the US border daily, especially with whatever COVID/testing regime is in place at that point. 

I look forward to catching up!


Flights to TJ from Canada.... hmmm.... Canada had their airlines stop all flights to Mexican and Caribbean sun destinations. Don't know if the Canadian Airlines like Air Canada, WestJet, Swoop have been able to resume those routes yet. I know flights from Canada to US are operating. Your best option would be to fly to either a US hub airport and connect for a flight to Mexico, which would mean a third flight domestically in Mexico to get to TJ. Or, better to find direct flight from Canada - I assume Vancouver, Calgary or Toronto for you - to Mexico City or Guadalajara and then connect to TJ back and forth.... Right now, I don't think Canadians can get back into the US via land crossing unless you are transiting BACK to Canada.... I think you will be in for a long day of travel... Aeromexico may be a good bet for you....

Although, for an October trip, you would have to assume border restrictions are lifted by then... if not, we are all doomed.... forever....

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30 minutes ago, TJ Flyer said:

Flights to TJ from Canada.... hmmm.... Canada had their airlines stop all flights to Mexican and Caribbean sun destinations. Don't know if the Canadian Airlines like Air Canada, WestJet, Swoop have been able to resume those routes yet. I know flights from Canada to US are operating. Your best option would be to fly to either a US hub airport and connect for a flight to Mexico, which would mean a third flight domestically in Mexico to get to TJ. Or, better to find direct flight from Canada - I assume Vancouver, Calgary or Toronto for you - to Mexico City or Guadalajara and then connect to TJ back and forth.... Right now, I don't think Canadians can get back into the US via land crossing unless you are transiting BACK to Canada.... I think you will be in for a long day of travel... Aeromexico may be a good bet for you....

Although, for an October trip, you would have to assume border restrictions are lifted by then... if not, we are all doomed.... forever....

Thanks. I've already explored my options, and Aero Mexico from Toronto seems to be the best option. I want to avoid US at all costs. Just don't want the hassle. It will be more expensive than normal (and I would normally go to Thailand for the same cost) but it is the only mongering destination that I can get to this year. And hopefully I'll have a good guide in Chicago Bob!

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Ahhhh.... Toronto.  In more normal times, Havana Cuba would be an obvious choice. But not in this current shit show combo of Covid-19,  Boy Wonder Leader/Dictator Truedeau, Covid-19 and unrest in Cuba.... and USA being shitty and non-recipropal on access...

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