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Yes, that means I'm tall. :)

Glad to be back, although it's been several years since I've partaken of the fruits of the ZN. I used to be on tjamigos, but it's probably not worth mentioning my old nic, as I doubt anyone would remember any of my posts. Nice to see the discussions have continued, though.

I'm getting back into it after at least 5-6 years away. I have been reading up to see if much has changed, but it doesn't sound like there have been many huge changes over time. Nice to hear that CC is coming back to hosting quality chicas. My old wingman used to love that club, and as much as I was (am?) a SG and Adelitas kind of guy, he always used to drag me over to CC in the hope that he'd score someone amazing, and I was always under impressed (and he seemed to be routinely out of luck). Sounds like I should give it some attention next time, and then send him a photo to make him jealous. :) I also should check out HK, as it sounds like it's been beefed up too.

If anyone has any suggestions or advice for someone getting back into the scene from a 5-6 year hiatus, I'd welcome any ideas.

I have to carve out some "private" time soon where I can come up with a good excuse for being gone for half a day, but I'm eager to go back and see the sights.


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HK has had some renovations, but if anything it has regressed somewhat.  Five or six years ago it was the best place on earth.  It seems to me that they do not get the FOB like they used to, but perception is a subjective thing.  

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3 hours ago, amosrolling said:

HK has had some renovations, but if anything it has regressed somewhat.  Five or six years ago it was the best place on earth.  It seems to me that they do not get the FOB like they used to, but perception is a subjective thing.  

Interesting to see how things have their ups and downs over all these years. CC, AB, HK, all going through phases... I guess I should be merely thankful that there's still such a high demand for companionship that ZN hasn't gone to pot as a whole. I remember watching New York fall from grace (the showers, the bubbles...) until it was literally empty at times. That said, the SG constant is something I'm hoping will be poppin. :)


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