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Formerly 15min


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I've been wanting to change my screen name forever so mission accomplished. If I took a former tja screen name - I apologize. 

I am still "sin passporte" so my trips to the land of stress relief have become few and far between. Planning next trip to a fiesta then HK June 2nd and will probably have someone drive me across the border so I don't have any issues.

I recently applied and was denied passport due to owing child support arrears, which I am compliant as far as paying just owe a lot. Now looking at plan B which is Salvadoran or Mexican Citizenship. Salvadoran seems cheapest and easiest option. Any advice on this will be appreciated. I owe $90k+ in arrears so paying it off before I die is not an option. Plus, my children are adults and are doing fine so I prefer spending my extra $ on young, beautiful, latina women.

Glad to be on new site and happy to see fellow tjas !

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Welcome 15min/iluvlatinas ??

Your situation is really tough. 

Is the difficulty going into Mexico or returning back to the US?

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Never had an issue coming back to U.S. but since Mexico has been enforcing the law I've been pictured/fingerprinted and told not to come back without passport. 


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5 hours ago, iluvlatinas said:

Never had an issue coming back to U.S. but since Mexico has been enforcing the law I've been pictured/fingerprinted and told not to come back without passport. 


Mex going high tech. Just drive in.

Edited by Peewee
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